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Teesside Airport Movements

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New Website

Back in September we launched the long-teased new website, and after implementing feedback plus other refinements it has been well received. There is still work to be done and we'll always try to further improve things, so keep those suggestions and feedback coming in! We're delighted to have AeroSchool on board sponsoring us and helping with the running costs, and great advertising for them with 30,000 unique hits per month!

Manners Cost Nothing!

As we have said before it is only courteous to credit the website when posting elsewhere, we are not pompous but it is after all a small ask for a free, unrivalled and exclusive service. We've never claimed to be live, but even when we're stretched we miss next to nothing - Chris keeps track to make sure! A single Citation and a couple of flying school land-aways and that's about it! We are conscious that some will hear the information we provide third-hand but still we can always tell when someone shares something they got from us. We're also trying to move away from the "TAM" abbreviation; it's too generic and could mean any number of things. When crediting the website please kindly refer to "Teesside Airport Movements", "the Movements website" or similar etc. Many thanks - we do appreciate it!


A vibrant community that has more than earned its keep. There are three main chats, one is read-only where the admins post movements alerts or anything of particular interest relating to the website. There is one for Overflights which has arguably been the most beneficial, with local spotters copping more than they did before! The third is a social chat with the only proviso being that discussion is Aviation-related. We've had to reign this one in a couple of times but it's tamed now and a success in it's own right!

Friends of Teesside International Airport

Whipped nicely into shape and making a small profit which we invest in our various activities (we don't subsidize any jollies mind as this would be immoral!) All are welcome to join and the group offers plenty of social opportunities for local enthusiasts, meeting every other month for a beer and a laugh, sometimes a quiz too plus trips and visits to different places! Everyone is welcome, feel free to attend one of our meetings as a taster with no obligation!